Ckeditor 5 all toolbar items - editorConfig = function( config ) { // Define changes to default configuration here.

by handling rendering and destruction. . Ckeditor 5 all toolbar items

Hi @csimpi!. followed by a space to create an ordered list. It assumes you already have some basic knowledge about CKEditor 5, as this is necessary to follow this guide. On a slight off-topic note I noticed your code passage <p>Nice rendered html<p> contains little formality issues, i. 5 and is available in each official CKEditor 4 installation package. I've installed it via yarn add ckeditor4-react. The custom creator class should extend the base Editor class. For a detailed overview, check the font feature documentatiom and the package page. The example below lets you test creating diagrams and flowcharts right. CKEditor 5 consists of the ready-to-use editor builds and the CKEditor 5 Framework upon which the builds are based. from ( editor. New situation in CKEDITOR 5. @nbilly7 I know you found a solution (actually not a solution but removing what makes the issue!) but this is what I think that causing your issue (may be helpful for others). js application is by choosing one of the rich text editor builds and simply passing it to the configuration of the Vue. Type __ or ** around some text to make it bold. You can also use one of the many CKEditor 5 features available in the toolbar and check how they render in the HTML source. resize_enabled=false;}; Ultimately, I was aiming to disable only horizontal resizing but that feature's not available yet (can't seem to find the forum post where a dev suggested they might implement it). I use inline ckeditor on my webpage. The document lists feature must be enabled to properly handle lists items. Oct 03, 2014 · I have had great trouble moving the toolbar buttons around with the arrow keys. Create a file app/assets/javascripts/init_ckeditor. CKEditor toolbar items · The name and group of each toolbar item can be used in the CKEditor toolbar configuration. Dec 16, 2020 · Manually wrapped toolbar items in CKEditor 5. Creator function that should be used to initialize editor (inline/replace). It is provided through the Balloon Toolbar plugin that is not included in any CKEditor 4 preset available from the Download site and needs to be added to your custom build with online builder. Default Image Plugin. coffee and Make sure the file is loaded from your app/assets/javascripts/application. To upload an image, use the image toolbar button. disableReadOnlyMode () is called, which removes the read-only lock and the editor's and. That's all. html Once all the above steps are completed head over to configure the text filter page. Therefore, moving applications using a previous CKEditor version to version 5 cannot be simply called an “upgrade”. If that is not the case, please roam around the documentation to make youself familiar with concepts and ideas. Whether to show the browser native context menu when the Ctrl or Meta (Mac) key is pressed on opening the context menu with the right mouse button click or the key. Feature: Implemented automatic items grouping in the `ToolbarView` component. By default, in classic, iframe -based editors the toolbar is placed in the top part of the editor UI, above the editing area. net core issue. attr ('id') $ (document). from( editor. The source code of this package is available on GitHub in https. The CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Angular can be styled using the component stylesheet or using a global stylesheet. Create a block type that has a formatted text field. To add the dropdowns on the toolbar use the keys in the 'config. The image style custom drop-down definition descriptor This definition can be implemented in the image toolbar configuration to define a completely custom drop-down in the image toolbar. x will be nearly identical to 9. (Uses the drupal. Current progress: github link. Basic text styles are provided through the Basic Styles plugin which is available in all official CKEditor 4 distributions (Basic, Standard, Full), although some text style buttons are disabled in the Basic and Standard preset. Together with the editing engine and the core editor architecture they create a platform for implementing rich text editors. It's easier than setting up CKEditor 4. Some thoughts behind my request -- the space where the textarea is in my page is rather small, and even when I use a custom toolbar to reduce the menu items, it still takes up half of the area in the space of the textarea, when expanded. , a new button to a toolbar). For plugins configured as having toolbar buttons: the html filter should only support the tags specified in that plugin. Most of the examples in the documentation use the ClassicEditor class, but things. See the link feature guide and the Link plugin documentation. by handling rendering and destruction. Following documentation I have installed modules using npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-vue @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic and enabled Ckeditor in. Classic Editor Documentation. ; Font styles - Easily and efficiently control the font family, size, text or background color. Here is my code to get textcolor and bgcolor button shown up. Now, what I'd like to do is get rid of the forms toolbar, I'd like to get rid of the Flash button, the insert smiley button, the insert table button, the insert line break for print button. As an example, below you'll find an editor where following buttons are displayed:. Solution is: go to Download CKEditor with plugins selected by you, and there you're going to find three different packages to download and below there's another one: "Or let me customize my CKEditor" click on it. The external data widget will also have a data-resource-url attribute. (like most of the other toolbar items). The value of this field MUST be the exact list of tags supported by the plugins used by the text format's CKEditor toolbar. Classic editor is what most users traditionally learnt to associate with a rich text editor — a toolbar with an editing area placed in a specific position on the page, usually as a part of a form that you use to submit some content to the server. From version 3, the component is compiled by Java 17. items = this. A toolbar is an array of toolbars (strips), each one being also an array, containing a list of UI items. CKEditor 5 offers multiple ways to include images in your rich content. The sample below presents the result of the integration with the super build of CKEditor. Validation logic ensures that a plugin supporting only the creation of attributes cannot be enabled if the tag cannot be created via itself or through another CKEditor 5 plugin. </li>\n<li>Additionally, the <code>'-'</code> separator can be used inside the items list to set the breaking point explici. Step 2: Turning on the plugin. That's all. Set true if the toolbar is attached to the content of the editor. Browser: Chrome; OS: Ubuntu 10. 0], only block images were supported. CKEditor 4 not showing all toolbar properties. Modified 4 years, 2 months ago. CKEditor 5 offers multiple ways to include images in your rich content. de 2017. The changes requested here - using checkboxes and row weights - is exactly what needs to be done. Open the sample/index. The underline feature. See more examples in createDropdown documentation. Applying styles in CKEditor 5 is fast, easy, and efficient. php ckeditor5_drupalelementstyle_test. Now, add an icon image for the toolbar button, which must be 16*16 pixels for a perfect fit. A factory producing toolbar items. It usually sits below the top menu bar. It assumes you already have some basic knowledge about CKEditor 5, as this is necessary to follow this guide. 5 and is available in each official CKEditor 4 installation package. Allows you to grab multimedia, block objects, or text content, including images or tables, and drop it inside the editor. Configuration options compatibility table. But note that the. Specify a callback executed before the toolbar instance DOM element gains focus upon the Alt + F10 keystroke. However, it is possible to extend the comment editor configuration and add some extra plugins. ex st. This is the latest version of CKEditor which has more modern UI and cool toolbars. The position of each item determines its place in a toolbar group. create() method. To disable the first item in your toolbar, all you need to do is:. js file available in your ckeditor directory, and edit the config. Issue tracker. 1 Answer. Creating a Modal window for Image plugin in ckeditor5-ui · Issue #5756 · ckeditor/ckeditor5 · GitHub. As an example, below you'll find an editor where following buttons are displayed:. toolbarLocation configuration setting to change this option. ready (ready) $ (document). 24 de set. ; If defined as a Function, label and keystroke will be passed to that function, which is to return a string with the. The example below lets you test creating diagrams and flowcharts right. Each CKEditor 5 type provides a different editor class that handles the creation of editor instances. Hi @csimpi!. That's all. Hi, I'd like to create some new toolbar items using the smilies, basically so that people can insert smilies quickly without having to use the pop-up window. Cleans up the items of the toolbar by removing unwanted items and duplicated (obsolete) separators or line breaks. Theme customization. This task can start from a small research and POC what kind of options. First download the full version code. I wanted Placeholder feature as well so followed CKEditor 5 Inline widget docs. The online builder is a powerful tool that lets you effortlessly create a rich text editor that is custom-tailored to your needs. The example below lets you test creating diagrams and flowcharts right. Just copy and paste the code inside the plugin. #Related features. plugins: The CKEditor5 plugin classes provided; toolbar_items: List of toolbar items the plugin provides; elements: List of elements and . It is a bridge between the CKEditor 5 WYSIWYG editor and the CKFinder file manager and uploader. Currently, toolbar gets scrolled off the screen as shown in the GIF image below. Then add it to your plugin list and the toolbar configuration:. disableAutoInline = true; CKEDITOR. This guide will discuss two ways to integrate CKEditor 5 with revision history plugin: A simple "load and save" integration using the RevisionHistory plugin API. When the button is clicked, the editor. We compare the HTML restrictions of a text format with FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() for the drupal. To enable the list properties feature for document lists, install the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-list package: npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-list. I am using the new ckeditor 5 component in my Angular 7 app. It is used inside web pages. make sure node is installed and run following npm commands: npm install npm install @ckeditor/ckeditor5-font. ) I'm having great difficulty figuring out where and how to specify the toolbar items to use. Configuration options compatibility table. push({ name: 'wiris', items : [ 'ckeditor_wiris_formulaEditor','ckeditor_wiris_formulaEditorChemistry']}); In this section: MathType for CKEditor; Demos and integration downloads; Requirements; Frontend + Services. setData() can be hacked together along with a textarea element to produce a poor man's "source editor". Check out the demo in the text part language feature guide. #Related features. Sometimes it is also called "framed editing. As @Szymon Cofalik mentioned in his answer - there's no single list of buttons which are available in all builds. When you have the classic CKEditor 5 editor integrated within your . Learn how to install, integrate and configure CKEditor 5 Builds and how to work with CKEditor 5 Framework, customize it, create your own plugins and custom editors, change the UI or even bring your own UI to the editor. I decided to leave the toolbar auto-grouping enabled for all editors by default for backward compatibility. First, add the vite. 2 Ckeditor toolbar item is unavailable in Vue (Laravel) 1 vuejs ckeditor TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getAttribute'). Apart from the plugins listed above, let's add a few more and make our custom. No need to configure it globally. The API of the "GHS" feature may change without further notice. Classic Editor. js file in my project dir. Adding new UI elements (e. This is a guide for users who would like to switch from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5. For the first time I came across the CkEditor5 setting in Nuxt js and a lot is not clear and many errors have flown. ts file like -. You can modify aspects like the toolbar, the styles, and the functionality. The toolbar is the most basic user interface element of the WYSIWYG editor that gives convenient access to all its features. de 2021. basic toolbar_items: code: label: Code elements: - <code> You can distinguish two clear sections: ckeditor5. Classic editor is what most users traditionally learnt to associate with a rich text editor — a toolbar with an editing area placed in a specific position on the page, usually as a part of a form that you use to submit some content to the server. 1 Django-ckeditor upload permission for all users; Add scroll bar; & automatically adjust editor width as per screen size. The text editor itself isn't accessible in its current form as demonstrated on this page, but one could conceivably make it so by putting in a div element that "mirrors" the text in the editor and is set to display only to screen readers. The changes requested here - using checkboxes and row weights - is exactly what needs to be done. Now, add an icon image for the toolbar button, which must be 16*16 pixels for a perfect fit. You can change the style of an individual image using the contextual toolbar invoked after an image is clicked. to( command, 'isEnabled' );. 3, supports inserting images into the editor content. This is a guide for users who would like to switch from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5. Credit: CKEditor. CKEditor 5 toolbar is greyed out Ask Question Asked 2 years, 7 months ago Modified 2 years, 7 months ago Viewed 248 times 0 I'm trying to upgrade my ckeditor to CKE5. module in core/ modules/ ckeditor5/ tests/ modules/ ckeditor5_drupalelementstyle_test/ ckeditor5. CKEditor 5 API Documentation. \n * This will position them correctly relative to the toolbar at the bottom of the editing root. That's all. Allows you to grab multimedia, block objects, or text content, including images or tables, and drop it inside the editor. de 2023. To disable the first item in your toolbar, all you need to do is:. npm install --save @ckeditor/vite-plugin-ckeditor5. The autosave feature listens to the editor. API reference and examples included. The simplest way to focus the editor is to call the editor. CKEditor 5 API Documentation. png); background-repeat:repeat; background-position. There're two ways to achieve this. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 27 de set. Since version 4. CKEditor 5 API Documentation. The configuration of the image features. js in build folder and this is almost all that you need. I've also added data-focus="false" in bootstrap 4 modal then its works but in only single modal not all modal. Check out the following sections to see how to do that: CDN, npm, Zip download. Toggle the source editing mode and make some changes in the HTML code (for example, add a new paragraph or an ordered list). For responsive images, use this: CKEDITOR. You will build a "Simple box" feature which will allow the user to insert a custom box with a title and body fields into the document. If you cant select this format check the permissions or field content type. It assumes you already have some basic knowledge about CKEditor 5, as this is necessary to follow this guide. 1 the Advanced Content Filter was introduced. toolbar setting as well. Read more. This is a guide for users who would like to switch from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5. See the find and replace feature guide and the FindAndReplace plugin documentation. use(CKEditor); No any general setting are available. php CKEditor5Plugin. Start a line with 1. The Module ui/toolbar/toolbarlinebreakview. With features such as Real-time Collaboration, Track Changes, Comments, and Revision History, it is a trendsetter in this area and a solution other editors. Then leave the source editing mode and see that the changes are present in the document content. Since I think this is a waste od space in toolbar, I would like to put all 4 options to dropdown - that only 1 (selected) would be. 20 de nov. The command of the item can be used in keyboard. Here is our custom build: import ClassicEditor from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classi. Nothing much changed even in 2022, only location of example config in downloaded zip file was moved to separate js file ckeditor. By the way, you can use the pipe '|', in the toolbar section to add spacers to the toolbar. enter, up arrow, down arrow keys opens dropdown. As you can read in the docs here, you can pass custom configuration options by editing the config. All of the toolbar items work perfectly, but the link icon never shows the drop down to add a URL when. Hi I am trying to get my ckeditor to look like the image marked number 1 below. First you need to disable automatic editors initialization on editable elements and then call CKEDITOR. Is there a way to force multi-lines in CK5?. CKEditor Toolbar I'm trying to take out all toolbar items except a simple few (ul, em, strong. I know that there are instructions to add extra plugins in CKEditor, however, I've tried to. Open the sample/index. names ); I have javascript on page: JavaScript. This is a "glue" plugin which loads the following plugins: The media embed editing feature, The media embed UI feature and The auto-media. My question here is all the options in the items array above is visible in toolbar except 'fontfamily', 'fontsize', 'fontColor', 'fontBackgroundColor' I know I am missing something here. I have two solutions, just choose one. Issue tracker. module in core/ modules/ ckeditor5/ tests/ modules/ ckeditor5_drupalelementstyle_test/ ckeditor5. Each CKEditor 5 type provides a different editor class that handles the creation of editor instances. CKEditor Ecosystem Documentation. Issue tracker. The changes requested here - using checkboxes and row weights - is exactly what needs to be done. API reference and examples included. The Class TableProperties. signia hearing aids manual nadamoo barcode scanner bluetooth can you eat sausage rolls when pregnant nhs wwe 2k19 super heavyweight paleolithic female. signia hearing aids manual nadamoo barcode scanner bluetooth can you eat sausage rolls when pregnant nhs wwe 2k19 super heavyweight paleolithic female. This sample page demonstrates editor with loaded full toolbar (all registered buttons) and, if current editor's configuration modifies default settings, also editor with modified toolbar. npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-decoupled-document in place of the example given in the docs. Base class for the CKEditor commands. CKEditor Ecosystem Documentation. You will use the widget utilities and work with the model-view conversion in order to properly set up the. I've installed it via yarn add ckeditor4-react. You can use the toolbar button to open a CKBox window. Check out the demo in the link feature guide. Oct 03, 2014 · I have had great trouble moving the toolbar buttons around with the arrow keys. ckeditor의 플러그인 simpleuploads 를 사용 중입니다. js or have a separate instance of config. Then add it to your plugin list and the toolbar configuration:. CKEditor 5 API Documentation. 21 de jul. The Interface ImageConfig. The select all feature lets you select the entire content using the Ctrl/Cmd+A keystroke or a toolbar button. flmbokep

It assumes you already have some basic knowledge about CKEditor 5, as this is necessary to follow this guide. . Ckeditor 5 all toolbar items

<span class=Configuration options compatibility table. . Ckeditor 5 all toolbar items" />

CKEditor is a popular HTML on-line text editor developed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben. It's fine and dandy if the CKEditor team doesn't want this mechanism INSIDE ckeditor, but to flat out say that HTML editing is wrong, or from the. Binds observable properties to other objects implementing the Observable interface. If a plugin wants the tag and attribute to be created, list both: (['<marquee>', '<marquee behavior>']). or ckeditor4. setData() can be hacked together along with a textarea element to produce a poor man's "source editor". Creating an editor using a CKEditor 5 build is very simple and can be described in two steps: Load the desired editor via the <script> tag. When access to the full CKEditor 5 API is needed you can get the editor instance with an additional step. It is still in an experimental phase and supports a limited. Read more about CKEditor 5 builds. Nov 20, 2017 · Available toolbar items: undo, redo, bold, italic, blockQuote, ckfinder, imageTextAlternative, imageUpload, heading, imageStyle:full, imageStyle:side, indent, outdent, link, numberedList, bulletedList, mediaEmbed, insertTable, tableColumn, tableRow, mergeTableCells Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jan 24, 2020 at 10:55 user2846469. The layout of the toolbar can be controlled in two ways: List of toolbar items in CKEditor configuration property ' toolbar' This configuration method is used for the ' formatted text' editor:. But I don't know how to add additional buttons to the toolbar. When the button is clicked, the editor. replace $ (this). Once all the features are configured, they need to be added to the editor UI. # Documentation See the introduction to the UI library's architecture. 1' you have something which is called Advanced content filtering. The image contextual toolbar was designed to control the images within the content. js file in the directory where you put the source files to specify custom toolbars. Some thoughts behind my request -- the space where the textarea is in my page is rather small, and even when I use a custom toolbar to reduce the menu items, it still takes up half of the area in the space of the textarea, when expanded. If you put the two previous answers together, you will have the full solution. The new toolbar utility, which you can find in your CKEditor 4 distribution package, makes configuring an accessible toolbar a breeze. From now on, semantic and presentational styles can also be easily utilized in multi-user environments. Browser: Chrome; OS: Ubuntu 10. The underline feature. It provides the possibility to view and edit the source of the document. Photo By: Lachlan Donald. CKEditor 5 builds may differ not only visually - they may also contain different plugins and hence different buttons. This is a guide for users who would like to switch from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5. Net or HTML, but failed in Asp. · The label is shown as the item's tooltip. API reference and examples included. Instances of toolbar components (e. Then you can use the file named ckeditor. html file and edit the script that initialized the CKEditor 5. Use this code: config. As of certain vue 3 version, there is conflict with older CKEDITOR 5 version resulting in toolbar not showing at all. <script> Array. Nov 28, 2022 · Programmatically inserting a blockquote followed by a new line in CKEditor 5 1 Django-ckeditor upload permission for all users; Add scroll bar; & automatically adjust editor width as per screen size. Shows the toolbar and attaches it to the selection. Feb 19, 2018 · Version of CKEditor 5 Is there a Classic editor full package build with a full toolbar? (as with CKEditor 4) Or is there any simple documentation to show how to enable the full toolbar? 1 Reinmar mentioned this issue on Feb 20, 2018 Add a FAQ section in the docs #774 Closed 2 tasks Reinmar added the resolution:invalid label on Feb 20, 2018. @Reinmar I test it with original ckeditor-build-classic, still, I got an empty array. 11 de jul. See the demo. 1 adding plugin to forked ckEditor repo' not working. To create math or chemical formulas in the editor below, click the MathType or ChemType buttons in the toolbar. Every "build" provides a single type of editor with a set of features and a default configuration. A simple property binding could be as follows: button. You can choose whichever best suits your needs. This plugin allows you to change the themed ui editor instance toolbar when switching between maximized mode and normal. You simply cannot use their features in Source mode, as Source is supposed to work on raw HTML code. Save the file and refresh the browser. When the plugin is enabled, it adds a new UI Color Picker button to your toolbar. php in core/ modules/ ckeditor5/ src/ Annotation/ CKEditor5Plugin. CKEditor 5 API Documentation. Plenty of actions can also be executed with keyboard shortcuts. Top Mon, 12/31/2012 - 22:25 (Reply to #2) #3 scottw. Save the file and refresh the browser. Complete List of Toolbar Items for CKEditor items "Source" "Save" "NewPage" "DocProps" "Preview" "Print" "Templates" "document" items "Cut" "Copy" "Paste". startupFocus = true; // load the editor var instance = CKEDITOR. Used by the image features in the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-image package. I have two solutions, just choose one. Trying to customize my version of ckeditor5 in nuxt. on('blur',function(){ return false; }); // and because the. 게시판에 글을 적을 때 편리하게 사진을 올리는 플러그인이며 유료입니다. 13 de fev. ckeditor / ckeditor5 Public. It assumes you already have some basic knowledge about CKEditor 5, as this is necessary to follow this guide. It is provided through the Balloon Toolbar plugin that is not included in any CKEditor 4 preset available from the Download site and needs to be added to your custom build with online builder. Alternatively, use the toolbar button to open the CKFinder file manager. All builds, examples and demos are generated using this bundler. The Typedef ImageStyleDropdownDefinition. No need to configure it globally. For example, the 'bold' command's value indicates whether the selection starts in a bolded text. Below, you can see an editor with the dark theme as a result of customizations described in a dedicated guide. fire( 'foo:bar:baz', data ); Then the listeners can be bound to a specific event or the whole namespace:. CKEditor 4 toolbar is an array of button elements that you can freely add or remove. Changes like changing toolbar items, changing order of icons or customizing plugin configurations should be relatively easy to make. Being able to use default builds of CKEditor (less maintenance on our side) And wonder how can I adopt the multiple method above in my case. I'm using Ckeditor5 for vue in Laravel. \n Java \n. Hot Network Questions Best cryptographic algo with asymmetric cost: expensive to sign, cheap to validate PDEs and algebraic varieties Denial and ego-defence. Up to CKEditor 5 v[27. In fact, I have not been able to do it at all but, rather, have had to have a sighted person do it for me with the mouse. Then you can use the file named ckeditor. That’s because LibreOffice Calc is actually a fork or another version of OpenOffice. Hi, I'd like to create some new toolbar items using the smilies, basically so that people can insert smilies quickly without having to use the pop-up window. 👀 Live Demo. Open the sample/index. The @ckeditor/ckeditor5-image package contains multiple plugins that implement various image-related features. Fullscreen mode ≠ distraction-free mode. CKEditor 5 Builds allow you to quickly and easily initialize one of the many types of editors in your application. php in core/ modules/ ckeditor5/ src/ Annotation/ CKEditor5Plugin. Changes like changing toolbar items, changing order of icons or customizing plugin configurations should be relatively easy to make. Code library: core/ckeditor5. This is a guide for users who would like to switch from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5. I've also added data-focus="false" in bootstrap 4 modal then its works but in only single modal not all modal. To add a plugin to your editor, you need to follow three steps: Import the installed package in the file with the CKEditor configuration. Complete List of Toolbar Items for CKEditor items "Source" "Save" "NewPage" "DocProps" "Preview" "Print" "Templates" "document" items "Cut" "Copy" "Paste". The autosave feature listens to the editor. CKEditor 5 online builder is a quick and easy solution to build your custom editor in 5 steps. The Class ImageToolbar. html file and edit the script that initialized the CKEditor 5. editorConfig = function ( config ) { // Define changes to default configuration here. Solution is: go to Download CKEditor with plugins selected by you, and there you're going to find three different packages to download and below there's another one: "Or let me customize my CKEditor" click on it. CKEditor 5 builds may differ not only visually - they may also contain different plugins and hence different buttons. php in core/ modules/ ckeditor5/ src/ Plugin/ Editor/ CKEditor5. then( editor => { const toolbarElement = editor. The complete API documentation. How to hide toolbar ?. The Module ui/arialiveannouncer. The toolbar is the most basic user interface element of the WYSIWYG editor that gives convenient access to all its features. html#extended-toolbar-configuration-format toolbar: { items: . js in build folder and this is almost all that you need. This editor implementation is also available in the balloon build. To make it possible, the DecoupledEditor was used with the main toolbar injected after the editing root into the DOM. Other details Browser: Google Chrome 79 OS: MacOS Catalina 10. - David. html file and edit the script that initialized the CKEditor 5. To add the code blocks feature to your rich-text editor, install the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block package: npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block. The General HTML Support feature is experimental and not yet production-ready. The underline feature. CKEditor 5 is a modern WYSIWYG rich text editor that can easily accommodate the requirements of businesses and users in the age of digital transformation. 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